To the human eye, the Eucharistic Elements still look and taste like bread and wine, even after they are consecrated, the highest form of a blessing. (Admittedly, for practical reasons and to minimize crumbs, we use thin wafers that are more akin to cardboard!) But with the eyes of faith, we can ‘see’ how, after the Ordained Bishop or Priest ‘brings down’ the Holy Spirit upon the offerings with his consecrated hands and says the words our Lord said at the Last Supper, Jesus fulfills His promise to “be with us always” (Cf. Matthew 28:20) in a most ordinary yet most profound and amazing way! This is, perhaps, the greatest of all the mysteries of our Faith, one that even Saints struggled with – yet they put their trust in what Jesus said is, indeed, true: “This is my Body; this is my Blood!” To be continued… Father Maria Joseph Kodiganti