As Catholics we belong to more than just our parish — we are members of a universal Church and therefore we are never
strangers when we meet with other Catholics in other parishes to celebrate the great Mystery of our Faith which is the
Holy Mass. It is true that vacations are a time of rest and enjoyment — a time to recharge our weak batteries so to speak.
But if we are serious about our Christian commitment, we cannot neglect to re-charge also our spiritual batteries in the
central act of our worship, the source and summit of all Christian life: the Holy Mass by praising and worshipping God
and receiving Jesus in Holy Communion. Sunday Mass during vacation is also an occasion to ask God’s pardon and forgiveness of our sins and to thank God for the gift of a safe and entertaining vacation and all its blessings and to offer our
lives on the altar asking our Lord for the ad-ditional blessings we need. It is the tithing of our parishioners which makes
possible all the various ministries of our parish church and the maintenance of all its buildings and property. Hence it is
our duty to send our weekly contribution to our parish even during vacation as our act of thanksgiving to God. God Bless!
Father Maria Joseph Kodiganti