Happy Feast of the Holy Trinity!
Wish you all a very happy feast of the Holy Trinity! The Easter season is over with Pentecost, which we celebrated on May 19th. Just a week after Pentecost Sunday we celebrate the Trinity Sunday. On Trinity Sunday we celebrate the mystery of God “God is one but in three different persons sharing the same divine nature”. It is a mystery understandable not with our heads but with our hearts. The following are some limited passages in the New Testament to support the Holy Trinity. They are: 1. At the Annunciation, God the Father sends His angel to Mary, God the Holy Spirit overshadows her, and God the Son becomes incarnate in her womb. 2. At the Baptism of Jesus, when the Son receives baptism from John the Baptist, the Father’s voice is heard and the Holy Spirit appears as a dove. 3. At the Ascension, Jesus gives the missionary command to his disciples to baptize those who believe, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We use the Trinitarian formula (In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit) in all the Sacraments. For example, the Holy Eucharist that we celebrate every time begin and end in the name of the Blessed Trinity. We were all baptized in the name of the Trinity. In the name of the Trinity spouses are united in holy matrimony; In the name of the Trinity, priests and deacons are ordained; In the name of the Trinity, our sins are forgiven. To put it in a single sentence, the Christian life is meant to be a Trinitarian life. Your life, my life, is meant to be a Trinitarian life. What is Trinitarian life? It is a life of love (1 John 4:16 – “God is love”). We are all created to share His love. Let us love one another. God Bless!
Father Maria Joseph Kodiganti