Come Holy Spirit!
Today brings Eastertime 2024 to its climax. The Solemnity of Pentecost also called ‘the Birthday of the Church.’ Some say the Church’s ‘birth’ was when Jesus began His public ministry, which we now continue. Saint John Chrysostom [died: 407] believed the Church was ‘born’ on Good Friday, when a soldier’s lance opened Christ’s side and blood and water – signifying the Eucharist and Baptism – flowed forth. However, we DO know this: the Church is reborn and re peopled each time a Sacrament of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation or Eucharist is celebrated. For Christ’s Body, His Church is alive and well, for she is filled with the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and Christ’s Eucharistic Body and Blood cannot help us unless we follow the Law. While that may not be the most welcomed statement, it is true; just look at current events to see what happens when we disregard God’s Law of Love! The Precepts of the Church, the Commandments, disciplines and obligations are not intended to limit or restrict us, but to protect and better enable us to ‘Live by the Spirit’ and to ‘Become what we Receive’ in the Eucharist. How are we using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit? Happy Pentecost! Alleluia, Alleluia!
Father Maria Joseph Kodiganti